Difference Between ChatGPT, Google Bard, And Bing Chat



In terms of pricing, ChatGPT's original version remains free for users, while its ChatGPT Plus version is available for $20 per month.

Google's AI language model, known as Google BARD, is free for users who joined the waitlist and are accepted.

On the other hand, Bing Chat, an AI-powered chatbot from Microsoft, is free for users who join the waitlist and are accepted.

Developer & Technology


In terms of developer information, ChatGPT is developed by OpenAI, Google BARD is developed by Alphabet/Google, and Bing Chat is developed by Microsoft.

ChatGPT is based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture, Google BARD is based on the LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) architecture, and Bing Chat is also based on the GPT architecture.

Information Accessibility


ChatGPT's training data has a cutoff date of 2021, although the chatbot claims to have been trained beyond this year without providing specific information on this.

Google BARD & Bing Chat have real-time access to the data collected from Google Search and Bing Search respectively.



In terms of API availability, ChatGPT has an API, but access to it is currently on a waitlist. On the other hand, neither Google BARD nor Bing Chat has APIs available.

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