New Microsoft Advertising Updates: Enhanced CPC, Professional Service Ads & More

Discover the latest offerings from Microsoft Advertising and see how they can aid advertisers in minimizing acquisition costs and saving time.

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Starting April 24, 2023, Microsoft Audience Network will no longer provide manual bidding for new campaigns to help advertisers keep up with automation and competition in a dynamic ad environment.

Automated Bidding Management

Existing manual bidding campaigns will be switched to Enhanced CPC (eCPC) by April 28. Microsoft Advertising can automatically adjust your bid using Improved CPC depending on the probability that it will convert.

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Microsoft now offers Professional Service Ads to eligible global businesses in select verticals, including advisors, agents, and consultants.

Professional Service Ads

Advertisers have reported improved conversion rates and lower costs compared to text ads, with a recommended budget of $100-$500 per day and a starting bid of $3-$5.

Note the latest change in search ads where broad match modifier keywords will no longer exist and instead become broad match keywords, allowing your ads to reach a broader audience by displaying them to users searching for related terms, even if the exact term isn't included in the query.

Microsoft made Modifications in Broad Match Modifiers

For advertisers handling extensive collections of visuals for ads, Microsoft now offers bulk management features that enable easy editing, moving or deletion of images and videos in the Asset Library.

New Bulk Asset Management Options

Advertisers with standalone or portfolio bid strategies using select objectives can now modify their target bid value from the campaign grid, as Microsoft introduced a new column for advertisers.

The New Campaign Grid

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