Google Conversational AI Integration into Search Engine: All You Need To Know

Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, has announced that the company intends to integrate conversational artificial intelligence (AI) into its primary search engine.

Bing's integration of ChatGPT-like tech challenges Google's core business (Search Ads). Users can now have more extended conversations with the language model, boosting Bing's usage.

Google's primary revenue source is search ads, generating $162 Billion last year. However, the company has been cautious about implementing AI-powered chatbots due to concerns about accuracy.

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The development of AI technology necessitates significant computing power to process calculations for human-like conversations. That means Google needs to maintain a budget for using AI resources.

Google Brain and DeepMind, the company's main AI divisions, will work closely together to develop large-scale algorithms and manage costs.

According to Pichai, smaller AI models will become more useful, giving companies the ability to create their own or allow users to run algorithms on personal devices.

The inclusion of conversational AI in Google's search engine marks a significant shift in the industry. Google is evolving to maintain its position as the leader in the search market, competing with Microsoft.

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