Google Bard Chatbot Latest Updates

To simplify tracking features, Google provided a special Bard Experiment Updates page. You can have a first look at and put Bard's most recent features to the test on this new page.

Google Bard Latest Update


One of the most significant changes in Bard's first experiment is the provision of additional search suggestions when users click "Google it."

Add the "Google it" button

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By incorporating enhancements from Google's PaLM (Program and Language Models) project, Bard's most recent upgrade, released on March 31, improved its math and logic skills considerably.

Improves Math and Reasoning abilities

As a result, Bard is now better able to comprehend and respond to word and Math problems as well as allows users to discover more related subjects and explore a wider range of interests.

Upcoming enhancements on Bard


Google has also suggested that Bard will soon gain access to coding features. This advancement will increase the usefulness of Bard as an AI helper.

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