
This powerful metric can quickly highlight keyword and budget issues that hamper your campaign performance.


Clicks can help you understand how well your ad is appealing to people who see it..


CTR, is hugely important for advertisers. It helps determine both your ad rank and your cost per click.

#4-Quality Score

A higher Quality Score means that your ad and landing page are more relevant and useful to someone searching for your keyword, compared to other advertisers.

#5-Impression Share

This powerful metric can quickly highlight keyword and budget issues that hamper your campaign performance.


Your CPC is an important metric because those clicks, and costs, add up fast.


It's important to track conversions because they can give you insight into how the performance of your ads and listings relates directly to the success of your business.

#8- Conversion Rate

Conversion rate optimization is important because it allows you to lower your customer acquisition costs by getting more value from the visitors and users you already have.

#8- Cost of Conversion Rate

This is important to know so you can manage your budget and decide on the best ways to advertise.