Importance of Digital Marketing for Real Estate Companies

  • February 2, 2022
  • SEO
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Importance of Digital Marketing for Real Estate - Uvisible

The technology driven-world is rapidly progressing towards new avenues of sales and marketing, and in this digital marketing is the best tool that gives a brand an online presence and helps it build a better connection with the audience prevalent over various digital platforms.

According to, Internet users in the world as of 2021, have reached the enormous number of 4.66 billion and are projected to increase with each passing year. 

The data itself shows the scope of digital marketing as there is an increase in Internet penetration rate and a plethora of digital opportunities to not only market your products or services but build a discernible brand.

It’s quite obvious that the majority of the population in the coming years will shift towards the digital platform and the prominence of digital marketing will become relevant and the need of the hour for businesses to get an edge in their marketing and increase their profitability.

Real Estate is considered one of the most lucrative and upscale businesses in the world, which is evident from the rapid urbanization process in the popular cities and the increase in per capita income of the people who are always in the search for economically feasible properties or houses.

In India, by 2040 the real estate market is expected to hold a market capitalization worth US $9.30 billion, which further makes it crucial for realtors to up their game and tighten their grip on the real estate market with the formidable tool of digital marketing.

How does Digital Marketing help in the Growth and Success of Real Estate 

1. Rise in Digital Screen Time

Rise in Digital Screen Time

The ‘techjury’ blog explicitly mentions that an average internet user spent more than 2 and a half hours per day on social media applications, it shows that for a real estate marketing strategy we can use this time frame with the help of digital marketing and run the advertisement campaigns on various social media platforms, to capture not only eyeballs but also increase the engagement among the potential customers as well.

Because another study by Omnicore has revealed that 50% of people are more likely to click on a particular brand name if that brand name shows up more than once on the search results. 

Thus, digital marketing gives businesses like real estate an opportunity to increase the recurrence of their ads which is not possible through traditional print media campaigns. 

As, the more the user sees a real estate ad, the higher the chances are of them clicking on it.

2. Marketing through Videos

Marketing through videos

Digital marketing offers a unique angle to marketing that print media was unable to offer the marketing through captivating and engaging videos.

As Omnicore study has proved that 87% of video marketers has increased traffic to their website with help of videos and the ubiquitous nature of social media has helped 64% of online shoppers to make their decision through videos, which shows the potential of making a real estate brand successful through videos, which is an easy and less time-consuming aspect of digital marketing.

3. Increases Prominency

Increases Prominency

Digital Marketing taps the potential of virtual space as we already know the number of Internet users spread across the world. 

The Internet has become the ultimate guide for people, as it instantly provides them with solutions for their problems, similarly, real estate businesses need to understand that people have become technologically adept, they do not go through the traditional chains of inquiry to find the best realtors around them, they simply search on the internet and whatever response they see at the top, they pick and choose from it.

In this scenario, digital marketing plays a major role, as it gives you that virtual platform to show your prominence among the customers and capitalize on the opportunity to cater to as many potential customers as possible.

4. Filtering the Demographics

Filtering the demographics

The traditional method of advertising real estate businesses where a large chunk of money usually goes is not an efficient method of advertising as it does not target the right audience and leads to a waste of time and money.

Whereas, digital marketing gives you a wide array of choices based on your age, sex, migration patterns, preferences, income basis, and so on. As you can direct your advertising campaigns and suggestions to a particular set of interested customers rather than to those who might not be interested.

5. Exponentially Boost your Sales 

Exponentially Boost your sales

Real Estate businesses need to analyze the market before promoting their business because sometimes the sales opportunity which may seem profitable might be a hoax! In digital marketing, this issue can be resolved because the analysis is spot on.

Digital marketing campaigns of big real estate companies like Tata Value Homes and Godrej properties have brought wonders to their sales, as the former sold 700 homes and the latter sold 695 apartments in a single day, it’s insane, right? 

This is what digital marketing can do, it will make your work not only easy but increase your returns almost ten-fold compared to your offline marketing campaigns.

6. Keep Track of your Leads

Keep track of your leads

Another edge that digital marketing provides is to manage the leads and generate a proper follow-back with potential clients who are interested in residential or office space.

Earlier practices used to generate and manage real estate leads were time-consuming and ineffective, whereas in digital marketing it’s a matter of ‘one-click’, you can not only track your online website performance, but can keep a record of the most visited pages, users who have landed on your pages for which specific keywords, and understand the viewer’s psyche better and organize your digital marketing strategy catering their needs and preferences.

According to a LinkedIn article, digital marketing gives 2 to 3 times better return on investment and increases the process of brand building as it is an important goal for digital marketing efforts.

7. Improve your Website’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Improve your website's search engine optimization

Digital marketing is a complete tool in itself that not only improves your real estate business visibility and sales but optimizes your website and improves its rank position in any search engine.

For example, if you have built a real estate website but haven’t done its SEO, the chances of its displaying in top searches are difficult and the viewer may not able to reach you, but in another scenario, if your SEO is flawless and you have covered all the basics, the chances of your website’s visibility in top searches increases highly, which gives a better chance of viewer to land on your website and purchase or invest in your displayed properties.

So, we hope this blog must have helped you to understand the importance of digital marketing for real estate, and you might be eager to grab the digital marketing opportunity to escalate your customer base and the growth of your business.

You must act fast on your digital marketing strategy because, at this time everything is in flux, and the majority of the real estate businesses have shifted to the digital platform for the expansion of their business, and we believe, you do not want to be out of this race and experience, what the millennials and tech-savvy people call as ‘FEAR OF MISSING OUT’!

If you are a real estate company and looking to generate leads to sell your properties and grow your business, refer to our digital marketing services for real estate companies and call us for a quick discussion.

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