Best SEO AI Writing Tools in 2024

  • January 16, 2023
  • SEO
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You’ve probably heard the adage “Content is King” before, but its relevance in digital marketing is a testament to the adage’s enduring power. User interest in a website is mainly driven by its content, which is sometimes referred to as a pure value addition” entity.

To further prove the importance of content, most recent data suggests that 57% of SEO professionals consider content marketing to be the most critical factor in achieving the most outstanding results in SEO. 

Companies or websites to ensure success should resort to fresh and compelling content.

But the question is how to create fresh and compelling content at a consistent pace.

Well, the ‘Best SEO AI Writing Tools’ can be a good answer to it.

In this day and age of technology, AI content has risen significantly. 

As renowned SEO experts are relieved that such technology has the potential to change industries and transform the way businesses are run because it permits the development of fresh content by learning from existing data. 

It can boost efficiency and productivity, cut costs, and introduce new avenues for expansion by automating a wide range of human-performed jobs. 

Consequently, organizations that master the technology’s use will have a distinct advantage in the market.

Previously regarded as the sole human domain, content AI has expanded the technological frontier. 

In theory, thanks to it, machines can now demonstrate originality. Using the information they’ve absorbed and their contacts with humans, they can generate content in response to specific questions. 

They can establish blogs, sketch package designs, or even conjecture about the reason for a production problem.

So, in today’s post, we will be dealing with some of the widely used SEO content writing software that has massive use and potential to showcase in SEO.

But, first, let’s look at some benefits and drawbacks of SEO tools for content writing.

What are the Benefits of Using Best AI Writing Tools in 2024?

Benefits of Using AI Content Writing

In the realm of AI-powered writing tools, options abound with the emergence of the SEO AI Content Writer.

Additionally, there’s a growing emphasis on utilizing automated content writing tools for SEO to optimize content strategies for search engine visibility and user engagement.

Embracing these tools ensures efficient content creation and strategic optimization in the competitive online market.

  • Does Everything Better

These automated content writing tools for SEO enable you to improve your content for search engine optimization, save time, develop better content ideas based on your audience’s demands, and create highly engaging content.

Even the reports suggest that some AI content writing tools may increase lead generation for an eCommerce business by 200%–500%, regardless of whether you’re working on blog entries, social media postings, or product descriptions.

  • It’s Efficient

The significant advantage of AI content tools is how quickly they can generate content, which is much faster than human authors.

The time it takes a human writer to research and create a two-page piece is on the order of 30 minutes to an hour, whereas AI can perform the same work in seconds.

Best AI writing tools in 2024 boost scalability by multiplying this writing efficiency by the number of articles to write at any time, especially for eCommerce sites. 

This particular benefit of AI Content Writing tools aids in building a strong content writing strategy which leads to an effective on-page SEO and also answers the question of why do eCommerce websites need SEO?

  • The price is Too Less

Depending on parameters like the number of articles, length of each article, level of technical knowledge necessary, etc., it may cost several hundred dollars to hire a quality human writer for a single content project.

On the other hand, most AI writing tools charge a monthly subscription fee, with costs typically hovering around $100 a month for tens of thousands of words and multiple articles.

When creating quick, straightforward text, it may be more cost-effective to use AI writing tools.

  • AI never Gets Writer’s Block!

Human writers often struggle to write authoritatively on unfamiliar topics. Content creation involves significant study and ideas. Many AI writing tools 2024 can outline information and essential elements to solve this.

AI content tools can help writers overcome writer’s block and generate content ideas.

While keeping all these AI Content Tool advantages in mind let’s check out some of the best tools in the list mentioned below:

List of the Best SEO Content Writing Software in 2024


Sudowrite is one of the Best SEO AI writing tool in 2024 that is revolutionizing the content creation process. This versatile tool is designed to help writers, bloggers, and content marketers produce quality content quickly and efficiently. 

And, there is no doubt it makes the top of the Best AI content writing tool list.

When it comes to generating new content, this AI tool makes the process easy. 

It uses natural language processing technology to help it understand your content and generate something new. 

You can start by typing in your topic or keyword, and the tool will generate an array of related topics. From there, you can further refine your content or start writing right away.

If you’re not sure where to start, it also offers an AI-powered brainstorming feature. This helps you come up with ideas for your content and helps you quickly develop a structure for it. 

You can also use AI to help you with the writing process, providing suggestions and insights as you go.

When it comes to editing existing content, Sudowrite can help you rewrite, revise, and expand upon your content. 

You can use AI to help you identify places where you can improve your content and make it more concise. It can also suggest new ideas to help you create something unique and engaging.

Additionally, Sudowrite can help you get even more creative with your content. It can suggest different topics and styles to help you generate more ideas and keep your readers engaged. It can also help you create an outline, so you have a better idea of where your content will go.

Features that Make Sudowrite Unique

  1. Write AI content assistant for your topic.
  2. Describe: Provides further detail.
  3. Rewrite: This gives you the option to change your article completely.
  4. Brainstorm: When suffering from a writer’s bloc.
  5. Twist: Brings unique and novel changes.
  6. Characters: For those looking for new characters in their story.
  7. Poem: A nice and compelling poem generation option.

What is Sudowrite Pricing?

Various pricing tiers are available depending on the total number of words you expect to produce.

  • Hobby & Student: $10/mo
  • Professional: $20/mo
  • Max: $100/mo

Final Verdict!

With its cutting-edge design, Sudowrite ranks among the top AI content writing tools available today. 

However, it may help produce more compelling creative content than SEO-related content.


For artificial intelligence (AI) writing software, Jasper (formerly Jarvis) is among the best SEO tools for content writing. Jasper purchased a selection of technologies, including the AI-powered writing applications Headlime and Shortly. 

At the time of this writing, both tools are available as separate products, although they have plans to become completely integrated.

With this tool, make whatever you want to make, be it a blog, essay, book, script, or anything else. 

Furthermore, Japer also saves time and improves the quality of your content. With this tool, you may increase your content output by a factor of two to five.

It also aids in getting beyond writer’s block and increasing overall writing output.

Features that make Jasper Unique

  • Long-form document editor:  This can help you write entire texts with AI-assisted outputs.
  • Plagiarism Detection at its Best: Publish your work without fear of being accused of plagiarism.
  • Writing at Quick Pace: Just press the “start” button, and the program will immediately begin producing an excellent piece of writing for your blog or article.
  • Integration with SEO Surfer: This feature aids in conducting keyword research and improving search engine rankings
  • Automated AI Content Creation: AI content creators can nearly do the writing for you if you give them enough information.
  • Social media networks provide emotional solace, professional networking, and more.
  • Several different languages.
  • You may use Jasper for novel writing, article writing, and even script writing for videos!
  • With the help of a magic computer program, we can generate over a million whole words.

What is Jasper Pricing?

There are two tiers of Jasper’s price structure available: basic and executive. In our understanding, the primary distinction is the availability of the full-featured document editor in “boss mode.” 

The beginner mode, on the other hand, has pre-made templates for a variety of common tasks.

  • Starter Mode: Starts at $29/mo for 20,000 words/mo.
  • Boss Mode: Starts at $59/mo for 50,000 words/mo.
  • SEO Surfer add-on: starts at $59/mo
  • Jasper Art add-on: $20/mo

Final Verdict!

Jasper is a beginner-friendly tool. This has a rather gentle learning curve. You may learn how to generate articles by viewing a video or two in their extensive lesson library. Its content is superior to those of other SEO article writing tools since it makes use of cutting-edge NLP techniques.

Especially, If you have writer’s block, just let Jasper get you started. 

Without any strings attached to Jasper AI, its SEO prowess in terms of keyword research makes it a formidable tool and makes it vital for agencies to have it as it can become a good selling point for businesses who are looking for Outsource SEO Agency.

However, the grass is not so greener on Jasper’s side as it’s not being used with its content editor, it does nothing. 

For example, no Chrome plugins exist. As a result, you’ll need to manually copy and paste the text from Jasper’s editor.

In this AI content tool, unfortunately, inaccuracies are quite common when writing so, you should verify every piece of information.

Chibi AI

Best AI Content Writing Tools for SEO-chibi-ai

It’s time to see another one of the best SEO content writing software, Chibi AI, it is an AI writing tool created for writers seeking help to focus on their writing. 

It provides handy functions like rewriting, shortening, extending, and altering the tone of the content. A “creativity mode” is also available where the produced material has a different mood.

You can customize Chibi by writing your rules to inform it what to do or not to do. You can permit the AI to write independently or offer explicit instructions on what and how to write. 

The UI could use some improvement, but it still gets the job done. You must enter some text for Chibi to start working, but then the outcome should be satisfactory. 

Features that Make Chibi AI Unique

  • Creativity modes: Revise your writing to fit Chibi’s voice.
  • Global variable templates: Replace terms in all papers to make sure Chibi is consistent with your style.
  • Custom templates: It is your responsibility to demonstrate to Chibi the specifics of the information you need, in the format you choose, and he will then produce this for you.
  • Per document notes: Here you have a place to make quick notes while you write.
  • Easy export tools: Simply export your material to remove it from Chibi.
  • Power-user command palette: Chibi’s command set is centralized and easily accessible
    Personalized writing buttons: As you type, you’ll see links to the awesome custom templates you’ve made.
  • Global scratchpad: Use a scratchpad to make notes that will appear in all of your files.
  • Template tuning lab: Here you may create, demo, and fine-tune your templates.
  • Inline shortform tools: Without leaving your document, Chibi will create unique material only for you.
  • Vast word library: You may easily access a wealth of transitions, qualifiers, and power words.
  • Custom inline tools: In addition to serving as models, the templates you create may also be used as inline tools.
  • Dark mode: Keep your eyes from becoming tired when you’re up late writing that final bit of information.
  • Flexible Pricing: If you’d rather not commit to a recurring payment plan, you can pay as you go using credits.

What is Chibi AI Pricing?

  • Pioneer 10K – $9/mo
  • Brainstormer 50K – $29/mo
  • Inventor 100K – $49/mo
  • Einstein Unlimited – $89/mo

Furthermore, you can buy credits and use them anytime you wish, but there is no free plan.

Final Verdict!

Chibi is one of the most potent AI authoring tools available, however, the user interface has a little learning curve. 

Its pay-as-you-go pricing model makes it appealing to anyone who doesn’t anticipate a regular need for a copywriting tool.


Best AI Content Writing Tools for SEO-surfer

Surfer is another choice if you’re looking for a standalone SEO AI content writer tool to help you with SEO copywriting. 

You may fast climb the Google rankings with Surfer’s help in creating SEO-friendly material and gathering ideas for future posts from a web crawl.

The process of copying & pasting from the document editor in Surfer onto your website’s CMS without having to reformat the text beforehand makes it quite an effective tool. 

The HTML tags are pre-installed in Surfer’s content editor, reducing formatting time. The addition of Surfy, Surfer’s artificial intelligence authoring tool, has made the platform a complete one.

Features that Make Surfer Unique

  • Content Planner: It’s essential to prepare your material and your writing resources in advance.
  • Brief: Aid you in making a personalized AI blueprint complete with section headers and body text
  • Content Editor: Benefit from content recommendations, writing guidelines, and an HTML-enabled document editor
  • Audit: Compare your current pages to those of your rivals to see if you’re missing any obvious keyword opportunities.
  • Grow Flow: Updated regularly, the simple workflow will help you improve your website’s content.
  • Keyword Surfer: This add-on to Google Chrome allows for instantaneous keyword research.
  • Surfer Academy: On-Demand and Real-Time Training
  • SEO Writers Directory: Use this listing, if you need help locating writers that can design and create SEO-optimized content.
  • Writing Masterclass: Free for subscribers to use in learning the ropes of search engine optimization writing. Upon completion, you will be awarded a certificate.

What is Surfer Pricing?

  • Basic: $59/mo; $49/mo annually
  • Pro: $119/mo; $99/mo annually
  • Business: $239/mo; $199 annually

Final Verdict!

Surfer is a fantastic option if you’re searching for a one-stop shop to help you make content that gets noticed. It’s an all-in-one solution for keyword analysis, article writing, and SEO.

This is one of the automated content writing tools for SEO that can help simplify the content generation process for solopreneurs and small companies.

However, as a user, if you are unfamiliar with SEO, then using this tool can be challenging as well as confusing.

Also, Surfer does not provide a trial period. If you need a free trial or a cheaper option, this tool probably won’t be able to assist you.


Best AI Content Writing Tools for SEO-writesonic

WriteSonic is an intelligent writing assistant that can create custom material in response to your specific requirements.

The program is also useful since it provides you with pre-written content that you can use as a starting point for your work.

So, all those finding difficulty in continuing their articles, can sit back and relax, as WriteSonic is effective enough to do your job. As it’s one of the Best SEO tools for content writing.

WriteSonic through its content makes a good connection with the audience. 

It aids individuals in producing material that is both original and interesting, increasing the likelihood that it will be shared widely on social media.

Features that Make WriteSonic Unique

  • Produces high-quality promotional materials for your business in a matter of minutes
  • In a matter of seconds, you may have a fully-optimized blog post created automatically.
  • Top-notch content-related articles are produced as a result.
  • Write with the right tone, flow, structure, and voice using this AI-powered article and blog writer.
  • With only a few taps, it can produce powerful ad copies.

What is WriteSonic Pricing?

Free Trial: $0
Basic: $15/month
Professional: $45/month
Startup: $95/month
Agency: $195/month

Final Verdict!

WriteSonic is an SEO content writing tool for writers who want to avoid typing every word individually. 

The most useful aspect of this tool is its email build function, which can be used to generate and deliver pre-written emails. 

It allows you to devote more time to other aspects of your profession and save a significant amount of time every day.

It’s simple to pick up and utilize immediately. The only real negative is that free users are limited in how much material they may create before being prompted to pay for a premium account.


Best AI Content Writing Tools for SEO-Scalenut

Whenever a list of popular tools in content writing domain is created, including Scalenut has become a custom.

It is known to assist in improving your page ranks and generating more traffic, its AI writing system employs Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). 

The job of SEO becomes easy with the help of Scalenut’s SEO Assistant. It’s a lot like Jasper, especially with the SEO Surfer add-on, but you only need to pay for one. 

Type in your term and a document editor tailored to your search will appear. You would especially, appreciate how the list of competitors is displayed in a panel to the left.

Scalenut’s document editor has more subtle artificial intelligence instructions.

The AI copywriting helper may be given more specific instructions through the use of AI Connectors and Operators, which can be used instead of a standard compose button. 

Features that Make Scalenut Unique

  • Free Version: No need to pay anything for anything you can enjoy some of the most basic of Scalenut’s features.
  • SEO Research: Its software is within the tool, it’s not integrated with any third-party app.
  • Long-form AI writing tools: ScaleNut’s long-form AI content writing tools are an integral part of the platform. In a single flash of an eye, it may produce something that is both fascinating and original.
  • Short-form AI writing: It serves a similar function to a Long-form AI writing tool, just the word count is short.
  • Collaboration: In hopes of making it better and more efficient.
  • No word length restrictions: You are free to make the text as lengthy as you like. 

What is the Scalenut Pricing? 

  • Individual: $29/mo
  • Growth: $79/mo
  • Pro: $149/mo

Final Verdict!

Scalenut is a fabulous automated content writing tools for SEO known for its simplicity and unrivaled customization over the whole process of writing. 

It’s versatile enough for both expert and amateur users and friendly enough to incorporate your preferred web services.

The UI isn’t as flashy as other competing programs, but it’s far more reliable.

If you’re looking for granular control over the AI’s output, this is one of the greatest AI Content Writing tools you can use.

Scalenut is a great solution if you don’t want to spend extra money on any of the other best SEO tools and want an infinite word count. With this program, you are not restricted to a premium subscription.


Best AI Content Writing Tools for SEO-outrank

Outranking is one of the top SEO AI writing tools 2024 that specializes in content strategy and assists you in planning every step of it. 

It further aids you in developing ideas, putting those ideas into action, optimizing your content, tracking how well it is doing, and assisting you in improving your content over time.

Features that Make Outranking Unique

  • Outranking is regarded as one of the formidable AI Content Writing tools when it comes to producing long-form articles or blogs.
  • Enhanced and Simple AI Writing
  • Formidable Content Strategy
  • Lucrative Content Marketing
  • Phenomenal Content Optimization

What is Outranking Pricing?

  • Solo: $79/mo
  • Pro: $149/mo
  • Company: $219/mo

Final Verdict!

Outranking’s articles are straightforward and written in a manner accessible to the layperson. Moreover, the content provided by this AI Content Writing tool has never encountered a plagiarism issue.

However, the UI is a tad perplexing for first-timers. There are alternative options in the market with superior UI/UX. 

Enhancing the product’s internal navigation is another possible enhancement. The SEO research may need some work, but the long-form AI assistance is excellent.


Best AI Content Writing Tools for SEO-GrowthBar

Geared toward SEO, GrowthBar is an unparalleled AI content creation tool for centralizing content marketing efforts.

No other platform rivals its capabilities in automated content writing tools for SEO, making it a singular hub for streamlined content production.

In the domain of SEO article writing tools 2024, GrowthBar stands out, offering a user-friendly and versatile solution for content creators.

It proves invaluable for those seeking to enhance SEO strategies without the need for multiple tools. Whether automating content creation or refining SEO article writing,

GrowthBar is a go-to resource for optimizing content marketing efforts efficiently.

GrowthBar’s basic features allow you to undertake keyword research, check your ranking and SEO performance, and analyze various websites to find out what they’re ranking for, comparable to tools like Ahrefs or SemRush, without having to pay for either. 

Features that Make GrowthBar Unique

  • Content Generator: Supports real-time SEO content creation, content optimization, content suggestion, and a fully interactive document editor
  • Internal Link Suggestions: GrowthBar will recommend internal links while you are writing content.
  • Long-form writing AI feature: Comprised of sales emails, newsletters, product descriptions, and press releases.
  • Paragraph Generator: A whole blog article isn’t always necessary. This artificially intelligent writer gives you all you need, in only a paragraph.
  • Generate some Good Meta: Automated analysis of material for SEO-friendly meta descriptions
  • Creating Blog Ideas: Start with a subject brainstorm, and the content generator will help you build a post that’s full of interesting information and engaging thoughts.
  • Site Inspector: Find out how well a website performs for a set of keywords by searching.
  • Detailed Keyword Research: Research the frequency of a term’s search as well as its keyword difficulty, keyword closeness, top search engine results page (SERP) rivals, and more.
  • Tracking the Rank: Facilitates tracking of your site’s performance concerning certain search terms.
  • Add as a Chrome Extension: Use WordPress’ built-in AI Content Generator to research your industry’s top competitors’ strategies using Google’s search results for targeted keywords and other useful data.

What is GrowthBar Pricing?

  • $29/month for a yearly plan, $48/month for a monthly plan
  • $79/month for a yearly plan; $99/month for a monthly plan
  • $127/month for a yearly plan; $199/month for a monthly plan

Final Verdict!

GrowthBar can essentially write all of your content for you. And, even aid in providing SEO audit services and tracking results

With the software evolving and expanding, your material will never get stale. While SEMRush and Ahrefs are more comprehensive, if you’re looking for a single SEO tool, GrowthBar is a good option.

But, GrowthBar comes with certain disadvantages as its SEO functions are pretty much basic. Unfortunately, difficulty ratings for keywords aren’t included in the keyword suggestion list. 

Furthermore, blog post ideas can be easily sparked with the help of AI content creation technologies, but making the most of them requires extensive fact-checking and editing. 


Best AI Content Writing Tools for SEO-Frase

Frase is an ideal AI Content copywriting tool, especially for essays and other lengthy pieces. 

Incorporating a wide variety of elements becomes an effective medium for writing. 

Features that Make Frase Unique

  • Matches Google’s Search Console API Standards.
  • Editor-integrated version control for documents.
  • There are undo and redo options, unlike the other tools. Keyboard shortcuts are required.
  • Easy conversion to PDF, Webpage, or Excel format.
  • Editing documents using AI.

What is Frase Pricing?

  • Solo: $14.99/mo
  • Basic: $44.99/mo
  • Team: $114.99/mo

Final Verdict!

There is no doubt that Frase is an effective tool, but its misleading trial and awkward user interface prevent most content writers or SEO professionals from giving it a higher rating. 

These days, people don’t stick with a tool if they can’t learn to use it quickly and easily. 

The different AI content tools that are already in digital place are far more desirable and are readily available, so it becomes crucial for tools like Frase to be absolutely up to the mark. 


Best AI Content Writing Tools for SEO-ChatGPT

ChatGPT has undoubtedly emerged as the frontrunner among modern AI writing tools, captivating the world with its remarkable capabilities.

Esteemed figures such as Kelsey Piper, Paul Graham, Elon Musk, and Sundar Pichai have collectively praised this AI content writing tool, hailing it as a revolutionary and powerful force in the realm of artificial intelligence.

Functioning as a computer application, ChatGPT stands out for its unique ability to comprehend and respond to normal, conversational speech.

This is achieved through the application of various AI-based methods and machine learning algorithms, showcasing the cutting-edge technology that powers its functionalities.

The key to ChatGPT’s prowess lies in the massive volume of text data used for its training.

This extensive training dataset has equipped the software with the capability to generate responses that closely mimic human speech.

When presented with a question or prompt, ChatGPT leverages its understanding of language, coupled with the wealth of information it has assimilated, to craft meaningful and human-like answers.

This AI writing tool in 2024 is not merely a mechanical responder; it excels in holding meaningful discussions with users and providing insightful answers to their queries.

The ability of ChatGPT to engage in coherent conversations sets it apart as an invaluable tool in the realm of AI, making it a preferred choice for users seeking a natural and interactive experience.

In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO content writing software, ChatGPT has become synonymous with innovation and efficiency.

Its adaptability and proficiency as an SEO AI content writer make it an indispensable asset for content creators looking to streamline their processes.

As users explore the vast array of SEO tools for content writing, ChatGPT stands tall as a beacon of modern AI, setting new standards in the domain with its unparalleled conversational abilities.

Features that Make ChatGPT Unique

  • There is no requirement for technological know-how. After signing up for nothing, you may start writing straight away.
  • Any inquiries may be answered using ChatGPT, and it can also develop and debug code.
  • There is no awkwardness or pauses in the dialogue. 
  • It contains one of the most impressive ChatGPTs a writer can ever imagine.
  • The user interface is intuitive and simple to use. A conversation box and a send button are provided.
  • Furthermore, if AI veers off-topic, you may provide comments and restart the conversation.

What is ChatGPT Pricing?

ChatGPT as one of the top AI writing tools offers two pricing plans:

  • Free Plan (USD $0/month):
    • Unlimited messages, interactions, and history.
    • Access to the GPT-3.5 model.
    • Available on the Web, iOS, and Android.
  • Plus Plan (USD $20/month):
    • Includes all features of the Free Plan.
    • Access to the more advanced GPT-4 model.
    • Additional tools like DALL·E, Browsing, Advanced Data Analysis, and more.
    • Ideal for users who want enhanced capabilities and tools.

Note: Prices and features may be subject to change, so it’s advisable to check the official OpenAI website for the latest information.

Final Verdict!

In our opinion, ChatGPT is the most advanced chatbot available. Blog articles, blog post outlines, essays, and even code may all be generated by this tool. 

So, to scale your website and fall under the domain of SEO this tool can simply be majestic.

In addition, ChatGPT appears to be accurate the vast majority of the time.

However, when investigating a topic in greater depth, ChatGPT often makes mistakes of its own. 

Even worse, when it states something that isn’t true, it sounds incredibly convincing, making the falsehood difficult to identify.

Amazingly, using this AI programme has increased most of the writer’s speed by 20-30%. 

However, it would also be right to say that when it comes to producing quite repetitive and mundane content, ChatGPT might save you a lot of time. 

But, it couldn’t provide you with the experts when it comes to creating some quality content which is rich in facts and figures.

Closers Copy

Best AI Content Writing Tools for SEO-Closers copy

Marketing Copy is one of the integral elements in a digital marketing campaign. Creating a compelling marketing copy can be a difficult task but with Closers Copy it can be quite easy.

Closers Copy is the best AI Content Writing tool, we recommend when it comes to creating promotional copy.

Features that Make Closers Copy Unique

  • Cost of teamwork is proportional to the subscription level you choose.
  • It aids in creating Blog AI, SalesAI, and StoryAI.
  • Phenomenal AI Content Creator.
  • Variable Language Selection
  • Planning and Auditing for SEO.

What is Closers Copy Pricing?

Even if there is no free trial, you have 14 days to decide if the product is worth keeping.

  • Power: $49.99/mo
  • Superpower: $79.99/mo
  • Superpower Squad: $99.99/mo

Final Verdict!

For SEO-related marketing copies, this AI Content tool gains an edge over all the other tools mentioned in this list.

Other than that, considering the price point and AI content quality, you might have some better options than Closers Copy.

Copy AI

In the ever-evolving landscape of AI writing tools, has positioned itself as a noteworthy player, utilizing the powerful ChatGPT-4 API access for content creation.

This SEO content writing software in 2024 offers a streamlined approach to generating compelling blog posts and copy drafts, promising premium content in a matter of seconds when provided with the right prompts and inputs.’s strength lies in its diverse template library, catering to various content needs such as articles, social copy, emails, and more. Users can easily navigate through a collection of short and long-form copy tools, enabling them to craft well-structured blog outlines and briefs for writers.

This feature aligns with the demands of the SEO content writing domain, making it a valuable asset for content creators seeking efficiency in their workflow.

One standout feature that distinguishes from its counterparts is its emphasis on security, making it particularly appealing for enterprise organizations concerned about data compliance.

This emphasis on higher levels of security sets it apart in the realm of SEO AI content writers, offering peace of mind to businesses dealing with sensitive information.

However, it’s essential to acknowledge some limitations reported by recent reviews.

There have been concerns that the service may downgrade from ChatGPT-4 to GPT-3 after a few minutes of usage, potentially impacting the quality of responses.

Additionally, customer service-related queries seem to face challenges with responsiveness, and some users have found canceling subscriptions to be a cumbersome process.

What is pricing?

This AI writing tool pricing caters to a range of users, starting with a Free plan that allows up to 2,000 words per month. The Pro plan, priced at $49 per month, offers unlimited words but is limited to a single user. For enterprise solutions, interested parties are encouraged to contact directly for personalized pricing.

Final Verdict!

In the dynamic landscape of automated content writing tools for SEO, stands out for its ChatGPT-4 foundation, diverse template library, and emphasis on data security.

As users explore the best SEO tools for content writing, presents itself as a popular choice, despite some reported limitations.

Whether you’re an individual blogger or part of a larger enterprise, provides a flexible pricing structure to accommodate various user needs in the ever-growing arena of AI writing tools.



QuillBot stands out as one of the most popular tools in content writing domain and a paraphrasing tool designed for both short and long-form content.

While it doesn’t generate entirely new text, it excels in summarizing or paraphrasing documents, articles, or any text provided.

This web-based AI writing tool is a valuable resource for avoiding plagiarism, allowing users to track changes in the paraphrased text through color-coded modifications—an especially helpful feature for guiding new writers on your team.

Features that Make QuillBot Unique

  • Seven modes establish the tone or purpose of the modification.
  • An AI-powered thesaurus facilitating the identification and substitution of overused words.

However, it’s crucial to consider some limitations associated with QuillBot.

Users may encounter technical issues, leading to additional time spent on troubleshooting. Furthermore, there’s a restriction on the number of monthly pages and words, even in paid plans.

What is QuillBot pricing?

  • Free plan
  • Premium Plan with flexible billing options:
    • Monthly at $9.95
    • Semi-Annual at $6.66 per month or $39.95 billed every 6 months
    • Annual at $4.17 per month or $49.95 billed every 12 months

Final Verdict!

As part of the best SEO tools for content writing, QuillBot stands as an influential SEO content writing tool in the realm of popular tools within the content writing domain.

Its utility extends beyond mere paraphrasing, making it a valuable asset for writers and content creators exploring the capabilities of AI writing tools.



Rytr stands as an AI writing tool that leverages OpenAI’s GPT-3 API, tailored specifically for content generators, SEO practitioners, and copywriters.

The question often arises: Why choose Rytr over Chat GPT or any other SEO Tools for Content Writing in 2024?

One key advantage lies in its built-in prompts and templates, spanning over 40 use cases.

This extensive coverage ranges from crafting Facebook Ad copy and social media posts to generating blog post briefs, making Rytr a versatile choice for diverse content needs.

The distinctive features that set Rytr apart include the ability to compose content in over 30 languages and employ more than 20 tones and styles.

This AI writing tool 2024 goes beyond mere text generation by incorporating a plagiarism-checking mechanism for articles and facilitating the creation of AI-based images from prompts.

With a premium subscription, users can further personalize their content generation experience by creating customized use cases.

However, it’s essential to consider certain limitations highlighted in reviews and research. Rytr may not match the power of some other AI writing assistants, and users on the unlimited plan still face word count restrictions.

What is Rytr pricing?

  • Free plan
  • Saver plan at $9 per month or $90 per year
  • Unlimited plan at $29 per month or $290 per year

Final Verdict!

As an influential SEO content writing software, Rytr positions itself as a valuable SEO AI content writer within the digital landscape.

Its unique features and pricing options make it an appealing choice for content creators, providing a platform that goes beyond traditional text generation, catering to the diverse demands of various such popular tools in content writing domain.

Hemingway Editor


Hemingway Editor stands out as the best SEO tool for content writing that is meticulously designed to enhance the clarity and readability of your written content.

This sophisticated SEO article writing tool carefully dissects your text, providing insightful suggestions to elevate its overall readability.

It effectively identifies prolonged and convoluted sentences, excessive use of adverbs, passive voice constructions, and perplexing phrases.

Furthermore, Hemingway Editor goes beyond typical editing tools by offering a readability score aligned with the educational grade level required for effective comprehension.

Whether you opt for the web-based version or the desktop application, this invaluable tool is easily accessible, catering to your editing needs with precision.

Features that Make Hemingway Editor Crucial

  • It serves as a potent writing tool, streamlining your writing style effectively.
  • The free online platform proves excellent for editing shorter pieces efficiently.
  • Particularly beneficial for those accustomed to crafting longer, more complex sentences, as Hemingway Editor encourages clarity and punchiness in writing.
  • It is a valuable resource for assessing the readability and complexity of your work.

What is Hemingway Editor Pricing?

When it comes to Hemingway Editor pricing, the online version is entirely free, reflecting the creators’ commitment to maintaining this accessibility.

For users seeking additional features, the desktop version, known as the Hemingway App, is available for a one-time payment of $19.99. This purchase includes entitlement to free upgrades whenever they become available.

Final Verdict!

In the realm of SEO tools for content writing, Hemingway Editor stands as a versatile and user-friendly solution, offering more than just typical editing capabilities.

Its focus on enhancing readability aligns with the demands of automated content writing tools for SEO and SEO article writing tools.

Hemingway Editor proves to be an indispensable asset for content creators aiming to optimize their written content for impact and comprehension.

Summing Up!

In the evolving landscape of the digital era, content has become an integral component of every successful marketing plan.

The mantra ‘Content is Everywhere’ holds, albeit in continually evolving forms. While there are methods that promise quick profit boosts, content marketing stands out as a strategy that can benefit your company for the long haul.

A meticulously executed content marketing strategy has the potential to not only complement but also salvage your digital marketing efforts.

In navigating the dynamic digital landscape, it is prudent to adapt to the trends of SEO AI Writing Tools 2024 to prolifically enhance your content strategies.

Embracing the capabilities of SEO Content Writing Software and leveraging the prowess of the Best SEO Tools for Content Writing can contribute significantly to creating a lucrative business model.

The incorporation of an SEO AI Content Writer can elevate your content creation process, ensuring that your digital presence remains relevant and impactful in the competitive online sphere.

As businesses continue to evolve, the adaptation to AI-driven tools becomes not just a choice but a necessity.

Embracing these advancements in the form of SEO AI Writing Tools 2024 is key to staying ahead of the curve and ensuring the longevity of your digital marketing endeavors.

It’s an investment in the future, where content remains the cornerstone of successful online strategies.


Q1. Which AI tool is best for content writing?

Sudowrite and Jasper are the best AI tools for content writing. They are versatile tools designed to help writers, bloggers, and content marketers produce quality content quickly and efficiently. 

Q2. What are AI tools for content writing?

  • Sudowrite
  • Jasper
  • Chibi AI
  • Surfer
  • WriteSonic
  • Scalenut
  • Outranking
  • GrowthBar
  • Frase
  • ChatGPT

Q3. How to use AI for content writing?

To use AI for content writing, you can start by selecting an AI tool that meets your needs, such as GPT-3 or Next, provide the tool with a prompt or topic, and let it generate content for you. You can then review and edit the generated content as needed to ensure it meets your desired quality and tone.

Q4. What is the best free AI writer?

There are a few free AI writing tools available, such as OpenAI’s GPT-2 and Hugging Face’s GPT-3. However, these tools are generally limited in terms of the amount of content that can be generated for free. Additionally, some other free options include AI Dungeon, Textio and It’s best to try out a few different tools to see which one works best for you.

Q5. How much is Jasper per month?

Jasper’s cost per month varies depending on the services requested. Generally, an average cost can range anywhere from Starter Mode: Starts at $29/mo for 20,000 words/mo.

Q6. Will AI take over content writing?

AI has the potential to assist with content writing, but it is unlikely to fully take over the role of human writers. AI can generate initial drafts, but human editors are still needed to review and refine the content to ensure it meets the desired quality and tone. Plus, AI still lacks some of the creativity and originality that human writers bring to their work.

Q7. Is AI generated content good for SEO?

AI generated content can be useful for SEO, but it is important to review and edit the content to ensure it is high-quality, relevant, and unique. AI generated content can be useful for generating keywords and phrases but it may lack the creativity and originality that human writers bring to their work. It is better to use AI generated content as a starting point and then manually optimize it for SEO.

Q8. Which is better copy AI or Jasper?

The content produced by Jasper AI is far superior. Get Jasper if you want consistent high-quality content. However, the content of Copy AI isn’t bad. It can generate excellent copy, particularly for social media posts and emails.

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