7 Technical SEO Factors to include in your SEO Strategy

#1-XML Sitemap

Sitemaps enhance the ranking of a website in search engine results, thus boosting the SEO efforts.

#2 -Website Speed

Website speed is important for good user experience..

#3 - Robots.txt

It can help prevent the appearance of duplicate content.

#4 -Canonical Tags

Using the canonical tag prevents problems caused by identical or "duplicate" content appearing on multiple URLs.

#5 -Redirects

A URL redirect is a mapping from one web page address to another. You can link the old pages to the new ones.

#6 -W3C Compliance

They ensure that the web works equally well for everyone, regardless of their location or technology.

#7 -Code Redundancy

Compiled code in a computer program that is unnecessary and  which can be completely deduced from the remaining characters of the code word.